
Do you know the steaming and soaping in the process?

Summary:Do you know the steaming and soaping in the process? Steaming: After textile printing, except for ice dyes and soluble ...
Do you know the steaming and soaping in the process?
Steaming: After textile printing, except for ice dyes and soluble vat dyes, general dyes are steamed.
Purpose: to make the printed textiles absorb moisture and heat up the fibers and the color sizing film, accelerate the reduction of dyes and their dissolution on the fibers, so that the dyes diffuse into the fibers and fix on the fibers, and diffuse into the fibers to produce color fixation. The process conditions for steaming vary with the properties of dyes and fibers.
Soaping: It is a very necessary and important process after steaming. In the soaping process, the soaping agent will not stick to the fabric through the physical and chemical interaction with the dye, and use the dispersion, suspension and complexation of the soaping agent, so as to improve the soaping fastness and anti-staining. the goal of.


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